Known as a National Item Identification Number (NIIN), NIIN are random 7-digit numbers which aid in classifying what type of item a component is. At Internet of Hardware, we have a plethora of NIIN 013451300 parts readily available for purchase, those of which are located on this page. Cataloged by manufacturer, CAGE Code, NSN, and part number, individuals can find components listed alongside this NIIN such as 23038093, among others. Upon identifying any 013451300 parts for procurable, receive a competitive quote for your comparisons by submitting a completed Instant RFQ form for parts which you may access by clicking on the “RFQ” link next to your item of interest. If you are unable to locate an item you are in search of, we ask that you still submit an RFQ detailing your requirements so that a dedicated account manager can formulate a solution best tailored to your needs. Providing person-to-person assistance throughout the procurement process, see why customers steadily rely on Internet of Hardware for all of their sourcing needs.
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